Call for expression of interest - Subject matter experts
Georgia's Innovation and Technology Agency (GITA) invites expressions of interest for the provision of services:
1. Instructional designer for video materials:
Ref. No. NDICI-GEO-NEAR-455-058-005
2. Instructional designer on graphic materials:
Ref. No. NDICI-GEO-NEAR-455-058-006
3. Subject matter expert for AI course:
Ref. No. NDICI-GEO-NEAR-455-058-007
4. Subject matter expert for STEAM course:
Ref. No. NDICI-GEO-NEAR-455-058-008
5. Subject matter expert for PM and Startup project course:
Ref. No. NDICI-GEO-NEAR-455-058-009
6. Youth Psychologist:
Ref. No. NDICI-GEO-NEAR-455-058-010
7. Text editor:
Ref. No. NDICI-GEO-NEAR-455-058-011
Deadline for receipt of applications is on February 14, 2025 at 18:00 hrs, Local Time.
For more information, please refer to the attached file.